From life as a touring rock musician to baddie for hire in both Hollywood and independent movies Sean Cronin has carved a film career as colourful as the characters he has played. Whilst you could be forgiven for not knowing his name his face should certainly light a recognisable spark or send an all too familiar chill down the spine. Those piercing eyes, the deep winding scar on the right side of his face, and intimidating screen presence Sean looks every part the bad guy. A chance meeting with a casting agent changed the course of Sean’s life, cast in a multitude of villainous roles from his big break as Imhotep’s high priest in “The Mummy” to a masked Syndicate henchman in “Mission Impossible; Rogue Nation”. Yet there is more to this Londoner’s repertoire than just looking mean; throughout his career Sean has lit up the screen with a variety of engaging villains whether its cold and calculating hard men, vicious cockney gangsters or sadistic Nazi interrogators, he has brought method and variety to playing the bad guy on screen.
Sean however is more than just a baddie for hire, making a name for himself in many other filmmaking roles including director, producer, writer to name a few. This year Sean he is cast opposite football hard-man turned actor Vinnie Jones in the revenge thriller “Kill Kane”. In what is essentially a role reversal, Jones plays a school teacher hunting down the gang led by Kane Keegan (Cronin) responsible for the murder his wife and child. Co-writer Adam Stephen Kelly also takes the directorial reins making his bones on his feature film. In the midst of a hectic publicity drive Sean very kindly took the time to talk me about his life, career, as well as his plans for the future. So welcome to RamonWrites, Sean and thank you for taking the time from your busy schedule to speak to me. First off then can you tell me a little bit about your background?
I come from a strange background. I am an only child of a single mother, but I have an interesting heritage. My grandmother on my father’s side is half Spanish and half Welsh, and my father is essentially Irish. On my mother’s side, her father was an extremely posh English General who married a Sicilian, so I’ve got lots of interesting blood, including some real Mafia blood, which might be where my villainous side comes from. On my paternal grandmother’s side, my great-grandfather was a Spanish horse thief. There’s only one picture of him in existence and it is actually a painting. As far as the painting portrays, he had a full set of gold teeth, big gold earrings and was a real pirate, if you like. He used to steal wild horses in Spain, sail them to England and break them on deck on the way. I think he did this about five or six times until he eventually disappeared without a trace.
That’s quite a fascinating family background. So at what point did you realise you wanted to be an actor?
I didn’t, I was in a rock band called ‘The Marionettes’ having toured the world with ‘Pearl Jam’ and ‘Nirvana’, and I then went into owning nightclubs and almost became a real villain, but I’m glad to say I managed to circumnavigate that. Then I got stopped in the Portobello Rd in 1999, by a casting director and was told that I looked very evil and asked if I would like to be in ‘The Mummy’. I then found myself on set, shaved from head to foot including my pubes and eyebrows, painted gold and wearing a nappy. From there on I got the bug, I went on to work on ‘James Bond’ and bigger and bigger roles until I got to where I am today.
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“Don’t ever ask me to play a goodie because I’ll probably kill you!” |
I see, from rock star to movie star. Where did you study acting?
I studied Mime at the City Lit with Marcel Marceau and John Mowat but I didn’t study acting in school, I studied acting on set. The best way to learn it is doing it, talking about it in a classroom bears no resemblance to the real thing.
The best way to learn it is doing it, talking about it in a classroom bears no resemblance to the real thing.
I’m a method actor, I work very much like Daniel Day Lewis, so when I’m on set, stay out of my way because I am a villain. Daniel Day Lewis did a great job playing Bill, the Butcher in ‘Gangs of New York’ and apparently was a nightmare on set because he kept butchering everybody (just kidding). When I’m acting I become the role and I never learn the script verbatim and I have never been in a film where I stuck to the script.
Adam did extremely well working with Vinnie and myself. We’re both a little intimidating to say the least and he did an incredible job getting a performance out of us and trying to get his take of the story onto the screen. He is a very talented young man.
Your experience in film is not just acting; you’ve been a DoP (cinematographer), camera operator, second unit director, as well as editor, writer, producer and of course director. What led you to explore all these different facets? Is it fair to say that your passion for film goes beyond the thespian?
Kane is a nasty killer with a kind of sophisticated side. He’s not a cockney, he’s calm and collected with no qualms or feelings, but you can see that he’s clearly insane
Fascinating. So tell me about your current projects? What have you got going on at the moment?
I’ve almost wrapped on a TV Pilot I directed at the end of last year, which is moving into postproduction. I can’t give too much away, but it is a sort of ‘American Pie’ meets ‘The Truman Show’ aimed at a younger audience. I’ve got around 10 to 15 villain offers on the table, but I’m getting more into directing now. This Summer I will be directing three brilliant features ‘Bogieville’ and ‘Irongate’, we’re in pre-production and we hope to shoot them this summer. “Irongate” is a dark but romantic period drama set in the shadow of Crimean War in 1852, centered on a female character, and is created by the legendary Tony Waddington. The characters are fictional, but all the events happening around it are real. ‘Bogieville’ is a road vampire movie, written by Henry P. Gravelle, a very talented writer from New York. As well as directing ‘Bogieville’, I also play the lead vampire in it, Madison, who wreaks havoc on a sleepy town. Another film I’m directing is called ‘Give them Wings’, a true semi-biopic story of Paul Hodgson a legendary writer, who was born with childhood meningitis. It is his story, the story of his fight, and how he fought back against terrible odds and won. It’s a very heart-warming and inspirational tale.
Which of your films are you most proud to have been a part of?
I worked briefly as an extra on a film called ‘Sleepy Hollow’ with Tim Burton, a director that I’d love to work with on a bigger scale. I love his dark creativity, and the way that he shoots things is completely individual. From his animation ‘The Nightmare Before Christmas’, which is still one of my favourite films of all time, to films like ‘Sleepy Hollow’, ‘Sweeny Todd’ and the 1989 version of ‘Batman’ (my favourite ‘Batman’ of all), and ‘Batman Returns’, the 1992 version that he directed. I really think Tim Burton is an exemplary and original director and I would love to work with him again. I’m also a great fan of Leonardo DiCaprio. I think he is one of the greatest actors of our time. Another very wonderful and fairly new actor, who has come to light in the last few years and is now one of the number one actors in the world, is Tom Hardy.
That does sound like a fun project I hope we get to see it made someday. Well Sean thank you again for taking the time to speak to me. It has been a pleasure. Best of luck with “Kill Kane” and your future projects.
‘Kill Kane’ is available on DVD.
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