For over a decade Cine Bijou founder Ramon Writes has written or spoken about short films in contention to win the most coveted film award: The OSCAR!

The Academy of Motions Pictures, Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), awards the coveted OSCAR. From Hollywood elites to rising talents, the OSCAR represents the ultimate recognition from their peers. While big studios and blockbuster movies dominate the stage, indie films often manage to break through. In fact, indie films truly shine in one of the least-publicized categories: Best Short Film, whether animated or live action.
Short filmmakers actively tour qualifying film festivals worldwide for a chance to be nominated. Meanwhile, Cine Bijou showcases film reviews and interviews with the creators who are in the race for that coveted nomination. Therefore, in our new category – Oscar Qualifiers – we’ll highlight all our OSCAR worth shorts; from the award winning ‘Stutterer‘ to the nominated ‘The After‘. We’re shining a spotlight to focus on those remarkable short films striving to win the iconic golden statue.
Sign up to follow the journey of these talented filmmakers on the road to OSCAR glory. Click here for the full list Oscar Qualifiers – Cine Bijou (